Friday, 13 October 2017

Gen. Kalekyezi and Mirundi ploy against Gen. Tumukunde halts serial Murder of women - #Uganda

By end of September, a total of 23 women had been gruesomely murdered in different parts of Kampala. The police and other security agencies failed to come out with a satisfactory explanation over the unresolved murders.
The relief came when the police chief, Gen. Kalekyezi conspired with the disgruntled former Museveni Press Secretary, Tamale Mirundi to link the kisoon killings with the Minister of Security, Gen. Henry Tumukunde.  The two Generals have had bad blood over control of the huge security budget, influence, political ambitions and catching Museveni's attention.
Tamale Mirundi was sacked by Museveni in July 2015 over allegations that he was supporting Museveni's political rivals. Since then, he has aggressively been attacking whoever he believes was behind his woes. However, aware of the potential danger, he has hypocritically maintained a public defence of a support for Museveni. It is the hope that one day he would resigned be reassigned by Museveni that made him fall in Gen. Kelekyezi's trap.
A ploy was hacked whereby at the end of last month Tamale Mirundi went public claiming that one of his wives had narrowly survived a kidnap and murder plot by those who had been killing women around Kampala. He deliberately made no formal complaint with the police but bragged that he had foiled the ploy. He went ahead to brag that he was to personally investigate the incident and burst the racket. Shortly after he came out with public statements to the effect that he had identified the serial killers, their modus operandi (MO) and their entire criminal racket.
He said; "I cannot trust anyone with my info be it the police chief, the Army chief or Minister of Security. The only person I share information with is President Museveni. I don't die for nothing. I need a Presidential Handshake because I've been making my own research on this. The information I have about murders I can only tell the President."
Museveni simply ignored Tamale Mirundi’s blackmail prompting the latter to panic. He opted to don the Museveni party uniform in all his public appearances in the hope that he would attract Museveni's attention. The humiliated and frustrated Tamale Mirundi opted to publicly disclose some details of his so called private investigations.
He revealed from the mobile phone printouts of his so-called murderers, their connections. He claimed that they were using cheep mobile phones that can not be easily tracked by security and moreover the ones that had been deactivated by security agencies/UCC. He went ahead to claim that it was only with assistance of those with strong security connections that their phone sets were deactivated and able to use unregistered SIM cards.
Strangely, the police picked no interest in his assertions. Having realised that Museveni had opted to ignore him, he initially claimed that the murderers had been using their victims in recording sexual films before killing them to erase evidence. Later he claimed that an Australia based Ugandan (most likely Dr. Kiyingi) was behind the murders. He confidently declared that because of his efforts, there will be no more murder of women in Kampala. Indeed, the serial murders have ceased but instead, it is the machete wielding men in areas of Masaka that have resumes.
Had Museveni accepted to meet Tamale Mirundi for the "highly classified intelligence", Gen. Tumukunde was to have been the culprit. The motive would have been that "he is doing it to undermine the police and Police chief, Gen. Kalekyezi. The battle between the two Generals has now taken a new bloody twist involving a Rwandese lady who claims to be in possession of information pertaining to the murder of Felix Kaweesi by Gen. Kalekyezi. This time around Museveni has deployed his Special Forces to disentangle the belligerent Tumukunde's ISO forces and Gen. Kalekyezi's Special Police squads. This new development provides the humiliated Tamale Mirundi with smokescreen under which to withdraw his murder hoax.

 change of guards blog

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